Adscouter Pro :-
Welcome and thanks for getting access to adscouter on. This upgrade is the Professional upgrade and it offers a wide range of professional upgrades that you can add your adscouter account. Now for these upgrades are going to help you to better analyze your competition develop a deeper understanding of your competitors campaigns and provide you with up to the minute updates on what your competition is doing and what adds their pausing or which adds their publishing and win you can benefit with this package and get access for a one-time price to a
Two incredible features or for a one-time price. Now these features are going to include number one the ability to stalk your competition. You can follow an unlimited amount of advertisers when you find an Advertiser that you you know want to follow that you can choose to track their activity. You can track exactly when your competitors stops a particular ad or lists a new act you receive alerts whenever they make changes to the existing ads meaning that you'll never miss an update that they make. Make and you can also learn from your advertisers activity and get you ideas about what they're testing and what they're doing without spending a cent yourself to see which of their newest ads are generating a profit now feature number two enhanced competitive analysis with this second Pro feature. You're going to be able to take a closer look at your competitors campaigns instantly view page load times dig deeper and your competitors funnels and it's giving you information about competitors ads now proceed to number 3.
Is Page SEO score you can instantly view your competitions SEO score this school gives you a better understanding of how their ranking their page how its performing in Google and it gives you a few ideas about how you can get a hit now Pro feature number four is twenty professionally designed for your Facebook ads every single month with this upgrade your going to receive at 20 custom ads that you can use over Facebook and Instagram. Each of these ads is customize your product or sales funnel our team of In-House designers for Eight ads for you based on your instructions also create a wide range of variance you that you can use to test against each other in your campaigns. Now, you have the very best data at your fingertips, you'll be able to get created for you. They're very best ads to use within your campaigns and our team is going to be there to help you to do that now proceed to number five is Advanced Facebook ads training actually going to be showing you how to implement this package within your campaigns and you're going to get access to a premium.
Thanks, sweet the will put together for you. Now this training will show you how to use this pro package to better track your competition. You'll also be able to find new profit opportunities find additional product ideas tracking different companies and you'll be able to gain an advantage over your competition with their Advanced targeting engine. Now this professional grade is a must-have if you want to gain the very best Advantage with the ad adscouter software and also includes commercial rights, so you can use this upgrade with all of your clients as well. Now if you like to benefit from all of these unique features Hours and access an incredible upgrade that's going to allow you to dig deeper and discover more about your highest earning competitors. Then this upgrade is for you. Just one profitable add found using the many different use search options that you get as part of this package could pay you your investment today back 10 times go down below now and get access and as with all of our products with this upgrade, we include a 30 day money back guarantee. So if whatever reason that you're not satisfied with his upgrade simply, give us a message to
there's absolutely no risk and getting access to this package today and putting it into your business and seeing what campaigns you can profitably replicate go down below right now and secure your excess today. Thanks
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