Importance Of Page Loading Time On Your Blog

 Greetings readers! Today you learn the importance of page loading time of your blog. You may don’t aware that page loading also play vital role for a blog. If you are ignoring this then you losing a lot including rankings, readers and reputations. Are you shocked?

Don’t worry that’s why I’m here. It’s good that you wrier consistently high quality content that’s not enough impress meaner Google not readers. Blog/website speed can destroy your daily hard work. What you should do for preventing the mistakes?

Hmm! Okay get set ready cause we are going to seek the importance of page loading time on your blog. Are you ready to scroll and read the rest? Oh yes you should be ready. Okay! kick off…

Learn More -:

1-Some Off Page Optimization Points For Your Blog 

2-About On Page SEO 2021 |  Discuss all norms step by step 

3-How To Do SEO For Images in 2021

4- 12 Search Engine Optimization Terms You Need To Know

Why should you Speed up?

Readers’ experience

We all know, being an internet user, that if a website takes long time to load, we prefer either on close button or back button of our browser. It is a world of lightning fast speeds internet services, and here you can’t expect slow websites to win the race.

Honestly say! If you landed into a blog which taking so much time to open. What you do? Either close or press back button. To avoid this incident with your blog must use responsive theme and test your website speed. 2-3 seconds recommended by geeks.

Search engine Rankings

Here comes the most vital point – yes even though you are putting best effort for writing splendid content, it all go to vain if your site loading speed slow. Cause Google not prefer such slow loading speedy site ranking. Speed is also major key to stand tall into the search engine.

Mobile Friendly

If your blog theme isn’t mobile friendly them you will lose lots of visitor.  We know that most of the users often active in their smartphone rather PC. So clear and responsive view is important to maintain same quality experience for your readers

How to test the speed of website?

Google Pagespeed Insights

Well as the name indicates “Google Pagespeed insights” build by Google’s developers to increase every blog’s loading speed. You should capitalize this opportunity. Officially provided by Google and don’t worry it doesn’t cost. You can apply manually or if you are WordPress user then you should install this plugin which is absolutely free to install. What are you waiting for? Do it now.

Yahoo YSlow

Yahoo YSlow is another platform whether you can test speed. It also displays the site performance and few available add-ons make it easy. Available add-ons here for Firefox, safari, Google chrome. 


Pingdom is also popular tool for measure blog/website speed. You can check via

How to speed up your blog or website?

Upgrade Server: If you’re current serve speed slow them you should upgrade to VPS or dedicated or you can transfer to web hosting like Hostgator, Bluehost, and Didgitalocean.

Fast- loading theme: Your blog performance can slip downward for theme. That’s why I said use responsive and fast loading mobile responsive theme. In this case I prefer: Mythemeshop

Compress images:  Always compress images in .JPEG or PNG format while posting with content. You must consider decreasing pixels to increase blog speed.

WP- Plugin:- If you are wordpress blogger then you should utilize WP cache plugin or super cache plugin to increase blog performance.


I’ve discussed the importance of Page loading time on your blog. Hopefully you understand my point of view of this post.  You could sense how much crucial is page loading. It’s as vital as Content and SEO. Don’t waste time. Optimize your blog theme and speed up your blog performance.

Do you have any kind of problem or advice regarding this post? Feel free to share your thoughts with us by dropping a comment below. That’s it for now guys. Have a good day. Good bye!

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