What is Search Engine Optimizaton ( SEO )

 What is Search Engine Optimizaton ( SEO ) ? :-

Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) is a technique, we can increase traffic on our website/Blog through this technique. In these days search Engines are more smarter than previous time. Search Engine follow the certain algorithms & need to instruct in a particular way to better optimize our website/Blog.

Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) is most important way we can increase the traffic on our site. if we are using Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) technique, we can easily ranking our website/Blog in any Search Engine and we can get more traffic on our website / Blog.

But how do we optimize our website for Search Engine Optimization. what are ranking factor?

Learn More -:

1-Some Off Page Optimization Points For Your Blog 

2-About On Page SEO 2021 |  Discuss all norms step by step 

3-Importance Of Page Loading Time On Your Blog 

4-How To Do SEO For Images in 2021

5- 12 Search Engine Optimization Terms You Need To Know

What are Search Engines ?

Search Engines are website base a tool where we can locate any information in World Wide Web.

A web Search Engine or Internet Search Engine Both are same & is a software system. Search engines are designed for website search, that searches in World Wide Web.

For Example – If we searching anything on www.Google.co.in like that, suppose to we are searching in Google Digital Marketing Institute in India.

Here are our keyword is Digital Marketing Institute in India this is our search query.

we are using Google Search Engine.

Google display the result as per our search query that page is Search Engine Result Page ( SERP ). that result may be Image, information, web Page, video, Info graphics.

Google is very popular Search Engine in the world.

Other Search Engines List :-

1 – WWW.WebCrawler.Com

2- www.in.Yahoo.com

3- WWW.Bing.co.in

4- www.Ask.Com

5- WWW.WiKI.com

We will understand how search Engine Work?

How Search Engine Work ?

Search Engine working on three main primary functions :-

1 – Crawling

Google have own a Team of Robots ( We know normally they are Crawlers Or spiders ). Crawling is, when we input some any keyword in Any Search Engine, here Crawling work start they found similar content material that have as per our finding keyword related. after that Search Engine display New Updated more information content.

2 – Index

Any content after crawling, that content / Material store in search engines Like that Index. normally we can say this process that page or content index in search engine after crawling. when we are input any keyword in search engines crawling discover the related content from Index / Store Data of that search engines.

3 – Rank

Search Engine Display the Content as per our search query, That content best Ranking in search engine, Search engine display that content 1st page .

What is White Hat SEO, Gray Hat SEO & Black Hat SEO ?

White Hat SEO

Some Techniques & Guidelines uses by SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) that is White HAT SEO. White HAT SEO use some Techniques & Guidelines for search Engines.

What we have upload on website that should have relevant Tags & headlines. result of this our website ranking in search engines. white HAT SEO it sort of like creating content for our website. But it little slow process for but it increase the our website ranking.

If we are using White HAT SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ), It’s mean we are using high quality type content development for our website. HTML optimization, structure of our website & Good quality campaigns.

We are using relevant content for our website & we are use well-labeled image for our website.

we also use proper links & reference & unique content for our website, Hundred percent sure our website will good rank in search engines.

Grey Hat SEO

Grey HAT SEO is some difficult to how to we define.Grey HAT is middle of White HAT SEO & Black HAT SEO. Hundred percent sure we note understand proper what we use in Grey HAT SEO Techniques.

So while considering different type of SEO, this type comes between white HAT SEO & Black HAT SEO. It uses technique link exchanging ( if we use link exchanging form another website, May be that our website or another person website but this technique is note correct & if we are using Duplicate / copy paste content from another website.

Purchase Old Domains or expired Domains. these type Technique if we are using not good for our website.

Black Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO is Disapproved practices that will note increase ranking of our website.

Some practices that are against search engines terms, if we use that practices for our website may be banned our site from search engines.

We will try to understand which are Black Hat SEO Tactics, those are bad for our website. Never Use the duplicate content, never copy paste from another site content.

Keyword Stuffing it’s mean using the irrelevant keyword.

Cloaking mean anyone create website name is different and website showing another content that is note related his website domain related.

Links Purchase – If we purchase links for our website or we have sale links our site. Abusing structured content note to use in site

Why we need Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) ?

Earlier we have discussed, SEO is very important for optimization of our Website/ Blog & Make our website / Blog presence more visible.

For Example – we running a business & we need promote our Business Product / Service. whats the way our product / Service reach more & More customer?

We can understand proper our Web Analytics reports of our website try to know which keywords of our website low conversion / High Conversion keyword.

we will use more conversion Keyword in our Blog. sure we can complete our goal. proper SEO is an investment for our website.

Proper SEO will increase our website goal. SEO is price less, it’s all about depend on or efforts and understanding.

Our website is first point to contact with us our audience on online. we can attract our audience here. but our website On Page SEO is not better any one note to stay here for long time.

If on Page SEO is better of our website, when people visit our website & Familiar with our Business through our website.

We also want people come to again to our website & our goal must to complete in this all activity SEO here main roll play.

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